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Treedom becomes the sustainability partner of the autumn Classics


Treedom is the first web platform worldwide for planting a tree remotely and following it online over time.

Since its foundation (in 2010 in Florence), over 2,000,000 trees have been planted in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Italy. All the trees are planted directly by the local communities – to date, more than 100,000 peasants take actively part in the projects – and contribute to produce environmental, social and economic benefits.

Treedom has three goals: the environment, the social and the economic realms. Planting a tree, even remotely, implies countering CO emission and generates benefits for the whole planet.

From a social and economic points of view, funding the reforestation projects in the southern hemisphere allows for the rural communities to be trained with new know-how.

From this year, it becomes the sustainability partner of the autumn Classics organized by RCS Sport: Milano-Torino on 6 October, Gran Piemonte on 7 October, and Il Lombardia on 9 October that will conclude the great 2021 international cycling season.

On this occasion, RCS Sport has thrown down a challenge to all 25 teams participating in the three great autumn cycling classics. They have to communicate and amplify their forest through their social media and to boost the initiative in  partnership with Treedom: adopt a tree!

The most active team – that will distinguish itself best in the promotion of this initiative aimed at the planting of the highest number of trees for the creation of their own forest called with their name – will be celebrated and awarded on Saturday 9 October on the Il Lombardia stage.

It is a formidable challenge that will contribute to do some good to our planet!

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